Frequently asked question
What is causing Acne Scar?
After an acne breakout, your body will try to heal itself by replacing the lost skin tissue that has been destroyed. Scarring occurs when the body produces either too much or too little of this tissue. When the body creates too much tissue, the acne lesion becomes a raised scar – known as a hypertrophic scar (or, in severe cases, a keloid). On the other hand, a lack of tissue results in skin depressions – known as atrophic scars.
Different Types Of Scars Treated At Derma Med Spa Clinic?
What are the treatments available for Acne Scar Removal?
At Dermamedspa, we provide various treatments for removing scars caused by acne which include Laser treatment, Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling, Chemical peels, Subcision, Punch excision/grafting, MicroDermabrasion and Dermal Fillers. On your consultation, our Dermatologist will perform a skin analysis and discuss a treatment plan suiting your condition based on the type and extent of acne scarring you have and the amount of downtime after treatment you're willing to accept.
How laser resurfacing works for removing acne scars and how many sessions are required?
This involves the use of laser energy to create tiny wounds in the skin, which lift the scars as they heal. Fractional C02 laser is effective for treating most kinds of atrophic acne scars and has a downtime of 5 - 10 days. Fractional Pico lasers are effective in treating both shallow and deep acne scars. This is a non-ablative skin laser resurfacing treatment that doesn’t damage the top layer of your skin (epidermis), resulting in shorter recovery time. Laser resurfacing treatment requires 2 to 3 sessions for the best results.
How chemical peels works for removing acne scars and how many sessions are required?
TCA CROSS is an highly effective and hybrid chemical peeling technique. This involves using a toothpick or needle to place TCA solution into deep acne scars, one at a time. The TCA solution stimulates collagen production, which levels out deep acne scars. Ice pick scars respond very well to this method. One treatment generally improves the scar by 30 - 40%. The deeper and narrower the scar, the better the results. 2 to 3 sessions are usually required for the best results.
How Subcision works for removing acne scars and how many sessions are required?
Subcision is a simple and safe office surgery procedure for treatment of depressed acne scars. Fibroid strands under the skin which pull the skin down leading to scars are broken. Once the strands are broken the depression is lifted. Further, new collagen is produced which fills the scar with new tissues, making it less visible and giving you smoother skin. Optimum results may require 1 to 4 sessions.
Which treatment is best for removing my acne scars?
Acne Scars should be treated based on its type and severity to benefit best results. For example: Ice pick scars and narrow boxcar scars respond well to TCA CROSS; Rolling scars and craters can be effectively treated with fractional lasers and RF micro-needling; Punch grafting and dermal fillers are also good options; Tethered and anchored scars are best treated with subscision. There are cases where acne scars respond best to a combination of treatments too. So we highly recommend having a consultation with our doctors and getting an understanding of the best treatment options for you. Get in touch with our skin clinic to experience a single session of acne scar removal treatment to feel the difference.
How much improvement can I expect after acne scar treatment?